The Step-by-Step Guide For Shopify Amazon Integration
By Litextension
Recent developments in multi-channel selling have heightened the need for expanding the business and increasing sales on as many platforms as possible. Apparently, leveraging two blockbusters of the online shopping industry which are an eCommerce website and a marketplace, merchants will undoubtedly gain the upper hand.
Currently, the two that are widely recognized to be outstanding are Shopify and Amazon. Hence, in this article, I will be providing you with the step-by-step instructions to avail of the award-winning functionalities of Shopify Amazon integration.
What are the benefits of Shopify Amazon Integration?
Shopify — a giant among world-leading platforms, has been empowering nearly 1,9 million stores including a bunch of well-known brands. At present, Shopify is the top choice of hosted solutions. Take a quick glance at the pie chart below so that you will have a better view of the hosted solutions usage proportion of the top 1 million sites.
With this illustration, you can clearly see the predominance of Shopify.
Simultaneously, Amazon is a top-ranking marketplace that attracts over 2,5 million sellers and more than 300 million active customer accounts worldwide. A reservoir of potential customers that a store owner can imagine. The global popularity of Amazon can spread your products ubiquitously in the blink of an eye.
Unquestionably, the combination of these two top-notch platforms will bring you huge advantages. Take a look at the list of merits of Shopify Amazon integration:
- Popularity Increase: Displaying products on both your website and Amazon takes a massive contribution to the prevalence of your business since your products have more chances to appear on search engines. The more easily customers find your products, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
- Alternative Solution: In the worst situation, either of your stores encounters issues, you still can keep up your good work on the other.
- Conversion Optimization: Amazon will take a center stage in dramatically optimizing the conversion since an array of customers visit it on a daily basis. It is one of the marketplaces that everyone will think of when they are about to buy an item. As a matter of fact, seeking a reliable website might be impossible, but reaching the needed products on Amazon is far easier.
With the listed benefits, be ready for action!
How to sell on Amazon via Shopify?
Let me walk you through the 6 steps to kickoff your business on the most well-known marketplace with your existing Shopify store.
Step 1: Check the eligibility and Category approval
Before starting with Amazon sales channel, check the requirements below to know whether you’re eligible or not.
- Having a Professional Seller account is a must. Sign up for a Professional Seller account on Amazon Seller Central. Be aware that Amazon will charge a monthly subscription rate and per-item fees for selling.
- Make sure you sell your items in USD on or in CAD on You can only sell on Amazon sales channel with the region that matches your store currency on Shopify.
- Your return policy is at least as good as Amazon’s or even better.
- You are on an active Shopify plan.
After having a professional seller account, you need to get the approval from Amazon that your products fit the categories. To check whether your products require approval or not, visit this link. Additional fees, performance reviews, and other requirements can be part of the approval process.
List of categories and products requiring approval:
- Holiday Selling Requirements in Toys & Games
- Amazon Watch Warranty FAQs
- Made in Italy
- Video, DVD, & Blu-ray
- Collectible Coins
- Streaming Media Players
- Personal Safety and Household products
Step 2: Add Amazon as a Sales Channel
Shopify’s merchants can add Amazon sales channel from the App store or activate it directly from Shopify admin. Below you will find the instructions on how to add Amazon sale channel on SHopify Admin.
- Log in Shopify admin, click ‘+’ button next to the SALE CHANNELS heading.
- Click Amazon to get more information about the sales channel.
- Select Add channel.
- On the Amazon account page, click Connect to Amazon
- Follow the instructions to share the information from your Shopify to Amazon Seller Central accounts. When the process is complete, you will be redirected back to your Shopify admin. In the User Permissions section of your Amazon Seller Central account, confirm developer access for Shopify.
Merchants can also add Amazon sales channel on both Iphone and Android devices.
Step 3: Create Amazon listing/offer (Start selling on Amazon)
Your Shopify products aren’t automatically listed on Amazon when you activate Amazon sales channel, so you have three ways to start selling products on the Amazon sales channel.
Create and manage listings to sell on Amazon if the product you sell is new on Amazon.
- Log in Shopify admin, go to Amazon.
- Select Create listing.
- Tick the product from your Shopify list that you want to sell on Amazon, then tap Select product.
- On the Search page, choose Create listing.
- Find the category that matches your product on the category list.
- Fill in the Amazon listing details in order not to affect the content on Shopify.
- Select the product options in the Variants section that apply to your product.
- Choose Inventory Management settings, fill in the Production time if applicable then select image for your variant.
- Click Publish when the process is complete.
Create an offer for your product if your product is the same as the product which is being sold on Amazon.
- Log in to Shopify admin, go to Amazon.
- Choose Create listing
- Select the product from your Shopify list that you want to display on Amazon and choose Select product.
- On the Search page, tap Find Product to seek the product on Amazon that matches the product you provide, then tap Select.
- On the Edit listing page, you can either select the specific variant to your offer or select the Don’t offer variant option from the SHOPIFY VARIANTS dropdown list.
- Fill in the list price for each variant, then set up inventory.
- Click Publish when the process is complete.
Alternatively, you can link Shopify to your existing Amazon listings if the product you provide is being sold on Amazon. Following these steps:
- Log in to Shopify admin, go to Amazon.
- There will be a banner on each linkable product detected by the Amazon sales channel. Since the Amazon sales channel doesn’t support Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers, products that are fulfilled using FBA can’t be connected to your Shopify products. Select Link products from the Listings page.
3. Tap Browse products button which is next to the product you desire to link to your Shopify product.
4. A Select product dialog will appear. Then tick the product you want to link then tap Select product.
5. Choose the way you want to manage inventory for the products you are linking.
6. Fill in the Production time if applicable. If you select Not required for these products, the default production time is set to 2 days. In case you need more time to prepare or produce the item before shipping, fill in the number of days when linking the product. This won’t affect the production time on Amazon Seller Central.
7. Choose the variant you want to link to your Amazon listing.
8. Tap Link products to link your existing Amazon listing to your Shopify product.
Note: you can unlink all the linked variants for a product on the Edit listing page.
Step 4: Manage inventory settings
Every customer viewing your listings or offers on Amazon can see the availability of inventory quantities for each variant.
Two ways for you to go when it comes to the inventory settings management. You can either harness the inventory tracking settings to sync your product inventory on Amazon or you can manage the inventory quantity manually.
Sync inventory on Amazon
The system will automatically sync your Shopify product inventory to Amazon based on the product’s inventory policy if you choose Use Shopify inventory settings option.
- Shopify tracks this product’s inventory: This option will enable Shopify to automatically update the Amazon listing to match the product’s inventory on Shopify if you don’t allow customers to buy a certain product when it’s out of stock. In case you allow customers to purchase a product when it’s out of stock, the inventory on Amazon is automatically set to 100. Note that Shopify won’t show this number.
- Don’t track inventory: The inventory will be set as a default of 100. This number appears on Amazon only.
Amazon supports neither unlimited nor negative inventory quantity. Therefore, the 100 plays a role as a placeholder to ensure the availability and appearance of listings on Amazon. The number of available products might decrease when customers purchase products. However, this number is automatically set back to 100 every 10 minutes.
Manually manage inventory
It’s possible to manage the inventory manually on Amazon. The set number of inventory quantities sold on Amazon is kept separately from Shopify’s. Hence, if a product is sold on Amazon, its quantity decreases on Amazon and on the Amazon listing details page, but not on Shopify. This option allows you to check and change the number of sellable products at any time. Follow 2 steps to manually manage inventory:
- Select Manually manage inventory option when creating or editing a listing.
- Fill in the Quantity to sell on Amazon.
Step 5: Fulfill orders
All of the orders which are placed on Amazon be recorded in Shopify admin on the Orders page. These orders will be marked as Amazon. By fulfilling Amazon orders on Shopify admin, the status of the orders will be automatically updated with the same fulfillment date on both Shopify and Amazon Seller Central. While filling Amazon orders in Shopify, make sure you follow Amazon’s Selling Policies and label orders as performed in Shopify within the timelines of Amazon.
While customers will only receive the order notifications from Amazon, merchants will receive notifications from both Amazon and Shopify.
Please note that you cannot integrate Amazon sales channel orders with FBA. Therefore, you need to manually fulfill orders in your Shopify admin.
Final words
In conclusion, managing, selling and popularizing your products on diverse channels is an upward trend that positively affects your business. Unquestionably, the exploitation of the most robust and prevalent platforms will make a significant contribution to your business growth.
With a few steps to follow, every merchant has a golden chance to reach one of the most favorable marketplaces through an existing Shopify store. Hope this article provides you with all of the necessary information to integrate Shopify into Amazon.
Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact LitExtension support team.